anapestic metre

anapestic metre

Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. . 2012.

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Смотреть что такое "anapestic metre" в других словарях:

  • metre — I n. BE AE spelling: meter verse rhythm arrangement of syllables 1) anapaestic, anapestic; dactylic; heroic; iambic; trochaic metre unit of length 2) a cubic; square metre * * * [ miːtə] anapestic dactylic heroic iambic square metre …   Combinatory dictionary

  • anapest — anapestic, anapaestic, adj. anapestically, anapaestically, adv. /an euh pest /, n. Pros. a foot of three syllables, two short followed by one long in quantitative meter, and two unstressed followed by one stressed in accentual meter, as in for… …   Universalium

  • prosody — prosodic /preuh sod ik/, prosodical, adj. /pros euh dee/, n. 1. the science or study of poetic meters and versification. 2. a particular or distinctive system of metrics and versification: Milton s prosody. 3. Ling. the stress and intonation… …   Universalium

  • meter — I n. AE BE spelling: metre verse rhythm arrangement of syllables 1) anapaestic, anapestic; dactylic; heroic; iambic; trochaic meter unit of length 2) a cubic; square meter II n. instrument for measuring 1) to read a meter (she came to read the… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • PROSODY, HEBREW — This article is a survey of the history of Hebrew poetic forms from the Bible to the present time. The entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction the variety of formal systems the specific nature of hebrew literary history …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Meter (poetry) — In poetry, meter (metre in British English) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse. Many traditional verse forms prescribe a specific verse meter, or a certain set of meters alternating in a particular order. The study of… …   Wikipedia

  • Lyric poetry — [ Henry Oliver Walker, Lyric Poetry (1896). Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.] Lyric poetry refers to a usually short poem that expresses personal feelings, which may or may not be set to music. [Tom McArthur (ed),… …   Wikipedia

  • limerick — /lim euhr ik/, n. a kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed couplet. [1895 1900; after LIMERICK; allegedly from… …   Universalium

  • Limerick — /lim euhr ik/, n. 1. a county in N Munster, in the SW Republic of Ireland. 100,865; 1037 sq. mi. (2686 sq. km). 2. its county seat: a seaport at the head of the Shannon estuary. 60,721. 3. Angling. a fishhook having a sharp bend below the barb. * …   Universalium

  • tetrameter — /te tram i teuhr/, n. 1. Pros. a verse of four feet. 2. Class Pros. a line consisting of four dipodies in trochaic, iambic, or anapestic meter. adj. 3. Pros. consisting of four metrical feet. [1605 15; < L tetrametrus < Gk tetrámetros having four …   Universalium

  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth — born Feb. 27, 1807, Portland, Mass., U.S. died March 24, 1882, Cambridge, Mass. U.S. poet. Longfellow graduated from Bowdoin College and traveled in Europe before joining the modern language faculties of Bowdoin (1829–35) and Harvard (1836–54).… …   Universalium

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